Enhancing environmental sustainability of EU funded projects

GREEN ADVISOR: “enhancing environmental sustainability of EU funded projects” is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of Adult Education that involves 6 partners from 5 Countries (Iceland, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Finland), who will work together addressing the need to lower the environmental CO2 footprint that the Erasmus+ projects generate while being implemented. Its main objective is to “mainstreaming green practices” in Erasmus+ projects looking at the whole arc of project management/implementation activities by developing a self-assessment and strategic set of tools, including training resources and calculators, designed for project managers and participants of Erasmus+ to measure their environmental footprint, and encourage them to acquire green transition competencies applied on EU project management to concretely put in place compensation/pre-emptive measures to balance the pollution/environmental impact produced in Erasmus+ transnational cooperation.
During 3 years of project implementation, GREEN ADVISOR aims to develop the following list of Outcomes & Project Results:
• Multilingual and Multilevel Project Website: available in English, Icelandic, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Finnish.
• Environmental quality assurance framework on European project management: aiming to contribute to embed a systematic way of “green by design” concept in all the phases of a EU project and define the specific CO2/pollution measurements according to the different choices project managers/adult educators do in the activities they pursue.

• Project Management Footprint Calculator and Orientation Online Tool: an analytical tool to assess EU project design sustainability as well as an orientation tool, and in this way encourage educators and other adult education staff to enhance critical thinking and concretely acquire new thoughts/opinions/valuable information that can set the basis of transversal green competencies for the development of present and future EU projects.
• A Blended Training of Trainers in Iceland for 18 Adult Educators/Project managers/Trainers: designed to test the developed project results and tools, while training, transferring and sharing green practices among the participants in a multicultural environment.

• Green open badge system to introduce an Environmental Quality Assurance System for EU projects: implementation of a recognition system to award the best projects in terms of environmental footprint and sustainability is how we want to enhance quality assurance in adult education opportunities, and in this way commit participants to compete in a virtuous way as it is done for the European projects in general with the “good practices” badge.
• Final set of Multiplier Events in each Country: to reach approximatively 195 attendees in total, where also the final Green EU project management Booklet will be shared with the wider audience of identified target groups and relevant stakeholders to the project.
• PROJECT MANAGERS OF EU-FUNDED PROJECTS (they are the personnel which overlook the coordination of EU projects and are in charge of the correct project implementation or quality monitoring, so it is crucial to train them in acquiring full awareness on the different facets of green mainstreaming).
• ADULT EDUCATORS INVOLVED IN EU-FUNDED ACTIVITIES (either at the level of researcher, trainer, or of associated partners of EU projects).
• NON-PROFIT STAFF WORKING IN EU PROJECTS (either as financials or accounting, local facilitators, etc.).
• VOLUNTEERS/PARTICIPANTS PART OF EU-FUNDED MOBILITIES (any person who is part of a mobility or who has participated to different project activities, such as pilot testing, local research, etc.).
• NEWCOMERS of the Erasmus+ programme, to guarantee a tool that will make easy and simple for any organisation with no previous experience to improve their own environmental practices while developing the projects.
• STARTUPPERS OR OTHER ORGANISATIONS involved in H2020 or in research innovation projects.
*Additional target groups will be identified and targeted alongside the project implementation and any other interested parties can also benefit from the freely accessible results, green methodologies and findings of the project GREEN ADVISOR.

Enhancing environmental sustainability of EU funded projects

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2022-1-IS01-KA220-ADU-000085530