A quick update
The Green Advisor Partnership has been working hard on the project, preparing and developing the materials that will later be used in the innovative Carbon Footprint Calculator and Self-Assessment Tool, as well as outlining our Environmental Quality Assurance System to understand the environmental impact of our projects. These tools will revolutionize the preparation and implementation of European Projects and mobilities whilst raising awareness not just on the numbers, but the reason behind our impact on the environment through these actions.
An adventure in Iceland
As part of this work, our team visited our coordinator in the beautiful country of Iceland, joining each other in a combined learning experience, including presentations and learning sessions from partners in assigned topics, as well as using the time together to advance the project’s outputs and materials.
In addition, partners had the privilege of exploring the country and seeing all of its natural beauty in the free time after this hard work, enjoying the natural wonders of Iceland among the company of the partnership.
What’s next?
Soon, the project’s results and outputs will be completed and shared, so keep an eye out for updates on Green Advisor and our Self-Assessment Tool and Carbon Footprint Calculator, and make sure to stay green and keep informed on the important impact our day-to-day lives have on the environment. Check out our social media and project website for more information:
Thanks for your attention, stay tuned for more!
This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2022-1-IS01-KA220-ADU-000085530